Dischidia Nummularia Bubbles Dragon Jade (seedling)



The Dragon Jade plant is a unique succulent that originates from Southeast Asia. It has tightly knitted trailing leaves, which are said to look like dragon scales. These plants also have the nickname dragon bubble or bubble plant due to their foliage. Their scientific name is Dischidia Nummularia.

Dragon jade plants come from the family Apocynaceae, which is commonly referred to as the Milkweed family. They are unique plants that produce trailing tendrils which have small bubble-like structures. The species is an epiphyte or air plant which can grow on trees and rocks.

Dragon Jade plants are beautiful plants that can be grown on a shelf, in a hanging basket or window sill, and will hang down and climb. These plants naturally grow in hot, humid climates as they are native to Asia. They should be kept in rooms that have bright, indirect sunlight and require greater humidity than the average succulent.

Compared to many succulents, the dragon jade plant is relatively slow-growing. It’s likely to take years to grow a mature plant if you’re propagating a cutting. Dragon Jade plants generally grow two to eight inches a year. You can also choose to buy a mature plant rather than growing your own if you’d like some instant greenery to add to your home.

500.00 450.00
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