Z Out Of Stock: Zygopetalum Louisendorf


  • Type :  Hybrid
  • Fragrance : yes
  • Flower colour :deep purple color with red lip
  • Flower size :  8cm  – 10cm
  • Humidity :  60 % – 80%
  • Ideal growing temperature :   warm
  • Light requirement: 70% indirect sunlight ideally
  • Plant size :  Blooming size
  • pot size : 20 cm dia.
  • Media :  coconut husk
  • Blooming frequency : once a year .
  • care guide :
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Zygopetalum louisendorf is a stunning orchid species known for its vibrant colors and intricate patterns. This orchid is native to Brazil and is highly sought after by orchid enthusiasts for its unique beauty.

The flowers of Zygopetalum are large, with a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, and are characterized by their deep purple color with green and white stripes and spots. They also have a sweet, pleasant fragrance that makes them a popular choice for cut flowers and floral arrangements.

In terms of care, Zygopetalum louisendorf requires moderate to bright indirect light and a well-draining potting mix. It prefers to be kept moist but not overly wet, and should be fertilized regularly during the growing season with a balanced orchid fertilizer. This orchid species thrives in humid environments, so it may benefit from occasional misting or a humidifier.

Overall, Zygopetalum Louisendorf is a stunning orchid species that can bring a unique and exotic beauty to any orchid collection or indoor space.

1,800.00 1,100.00
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