z Out Of Stock: V.Aerides Houlletiana(Seedling)


Acclimatized healthy seedlings.

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Aerides is a genus of epiphytic orchids that is native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. These plants are known for their fragrant, colorful flowers that are often used in the production of perfumes and other scented products. The flowers of Aerides orchids are typically white, pink, or purple, and may be spotted or striped with contrasting colors.

Aerides orchids are relatively easy to grow and are popular among orchid enthusiasts due to their attractive appearance and ease of cultivation. They prefer bright, indirect light and high humidity, and should be watered regularly but not allowed to sit in standing water. The plants can be grown in a well-draining potting mix that is rich in organic matter, such as a mixture of bark and sphagnum moss.

One of the most popular species of Aerides is Aerides odorata, also known as the fragrant Aerides. This species produces large, showy flowers that are highly fragrant, making it a favorite among collectors and gardeners alike. With proper care, Aerides orchids can be a stunning addition to any orchid collection.

650.00 600.00
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