z Out Of Stock: Semi Terete Vanda Pink


Healthy blooming size plants.

*may or may not be with flowers or buds.

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Semi-terete vandas are a type of orchid belonging to the genus Vanda. Unlike the standard Vanda orchids which have flat leaves, semi-terete vandas have cylindrical leaves that are thicker and rounder in shape. This type of Vanda is particularly well-suited to humid and tropical climates, and they are commonly found in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world with similar climates.

Semi-terete vandas are epiphytic, meaning they grow on other plants, and they prefer very bright, indirect light and high humidity. We can even grow them in direct sunlight in high humid conditions and it will enhance their flowering capacity.They produce clusters of bright, normally big,colorful flowers that can last for several weeks.some of the varieties have fragrance as well. These orchids are relatively easy to care for, and they can be grown in a range of temperatures, depending on the species.

In addition to their beauty, semi-terete vandas have been used in traditional medicine in some parts of the world. The plants contain compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, and they are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

760.00 750.00
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