Z Out Of Stock: Lotus Siam Ruby


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Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a stunning aquatic plant that is native to Asia and Australia. It is also known as the sacred lotus, and it has been revered for thousands of years in many cultures and religions. The lotus is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and rebirth, and it is often used in traditional medicine and cuisine.

The lotus plant has large, circular leaves that float on the surface of the water, and it produces striking, fragrant flowers that can reach up to 12 inches in diameter. The flowers are typically pink or white, and they have a unique structure that allows them to bloom above the waterline.

The lotus flower is an aquatic perennial. Sometimes mistaken for the water-lily, the lotus has a distinctively different structure. It also only comes in hues of pink or white, whereas the lily comes in many different colors.

Lotus plants grow in shallow water and require full sun to thrive. They are often grown in ornamental ponds and water gardens, where they provide a beautiful focal point and attract a variety of aquatic wildlife, including fish, frogs, and insects.

In addition to their aesthetic appeal, lotus plants also offer a number of environmental benefits. They help to oxygenate the water and provide shelter and habitat for aquatic creatures. They can also help to filter out pollutants and improve water quality. Overall, the lotus is a beautiful and beneficial addition to any aquatic environment.

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