Z Out Of Stock: Den.Hibiki


  • Type :  exotic
  • Fragrance :  No
  • Flower colour : Pink
  • Flower size :  1cm
  • Humidity :  60 % – 80%
  • Ideal growing temperature :  Intermediate  to warm
  • Light requirement:50% indirect sun for good flowering
  • Plant size :  blooming size
  • Media :  Coconut husk
  • Blooming frequency : Multiple times a year
  • care guide :
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Dendrobium Hibiki (Dendrobium Bracteosum x Dendrobium Laevifolium) produces tiny purple-pink color bunch of flowers with a cute texture. The main feature is that the flowers are long-lasting and they sprout flowers from anywhere in their canes.

Dendrobium hardened, well rooted seedling in coconut husk. Dendrobiums are one of the most easily adapting orchid varieties and are often known as beginner’s orchid. They prefer dry medium in between consecutive watering.  It is a very large genus, containing more than 1,800 species and lakhs of other hybrids.

Dendrobium hybrids are well known for their long-lasting, beautiful and big flowers. Because of their prolific blooming nature with minimum care, they are star candidates both in cutflower industry and in a minimalistic urban garden.

Blooms can be expected within 6 to 8 months under ideal growing conditions after planting them in a suitable growing media.

750.00 650.00
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