Cattleya Pink Empress produces large bright pink flowers with yellow and pink lip.
Type : Cattleya hybrid
Flowers: Normally lasts for 15 days. Fragrant.
Blooming Frequency: Twice a year.
Flower Size: 15-20cm
Humidity: 40%-70%, but enjoys dry periods in between watering.
Temperature & Light: Enjoys very bright indirect sunlight. Can tolerate intermediate to warm temperature.
Growing Habit: Can be planted with coal or coconut husk or any other coarse orchid media. Suitable for mounting also.
Present Condition: Blooming size plant in 3.5 inch pot with coconut husk medium. May or may not be with flowers or buds.
*Note: The climatic conditions and fertilization habits can affect the colour/size/brightness of the flowers and its blooming frequency.