z out of stock Cymbidium Chen’s Ruby


  • Type : Hybrid
  • Fragrance :  No
  • Flower colour : Yellow, red sp0t
  • Flower size :  8cm – 10cm
  • Humidity :  60 % – 80%
  • Ideal growing temperature :  Intermediate  to warm
  • Light requirement: 70% indirect sunlight ideally
  • Plant size :  Blooming size
  • Pot size :  10 cm
  • Media :  Coconut husk
  • Blooming frequency: Multiple times a year normally, depends on plant size and culture.
  • care guide :
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Growing heat-tolerant Cymbidium orchids can be a rewarding experience, especially in regions with warmer climates. Here are some tips for cultivating heat-tolerant varieties:

Select Suitable Varieties: Choose Cymbidium orchid hybrids known for their heat tolerance. Some varieties are naturally more resilient to higher temperatures than others.

Light: Provide bright, indirect light. In hotter climates, consider shading the orchids from direct sunlight during the hottest parts of the day to prevent leaf burn.

Temperature: While Cymbidium orchids generally prefer cooler temperatures, heat-tolerant varieties can withstand warmer conditions.

Air Circulation: Ensure good air circulation around the plants to prevent heat buildup and reduce the risk of fungal infections. A gentle breeze can help dissipate excess heat.

Watering: Water deeply but infrequently to avoid waterlogging the roots. Allow the growing medium to dry slightly between waterings, especially during hot weather. Water early in the day to allow foliage to dry before nighttime, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.

Humidity: While Cymbidium orchids prefer moderate to high humidity, they can tolerate lower humidity levels, especially if provided with sufficient airflow. Consider using a humidity tray or misting the plants regularly to increase humidity around them.

Potting Medium: Use a well-draining potting mix tailored for orchids, such as a blend of bark, perlite,well drained soil , coconut husk charcoal media and clay balls.This helps prevent waterlogging and allows for adequate aeration of the roots.

Fertilization: Feed the orchids regularly during the growing season with a balanced orchid fertilizer diluted to half strength. In hotter climates, consider reducing the frequency of fertilization to prevent salt buildup in the growing medium.

Shelter: During extreme heatwaves, consider providing temporary shelter for your orchids, such as moving them to a shaded area or placing them under a canopy or shade cloth.

By following these guidelines and selecting heat-tolerant varieties, you can successfully grow Cymbidium orchids in warmer climates. Regular monitoring of temperature, humidity, and watering will help ensure the health and vitality of your orchids.


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